Tracking Iran-Backed Militias’ Deadly Drone Strikes: Unveiling the Oil Money Connection

As Iran-backed militias continue to launch deadly drone strikes, a startling connection emerges: the petrodollar system inadvertently subsidizes Iran’s oil industry, indirectly funding their fight against America. With President Biden vowing to hold those responsible accountable and the Pentagon preparing military options, the possibility of closing the petrodollar spigot looms large. This blog explores the potential implications of this move, highlighting the need for international cooperation and careful consideration to mitigate negative consequences in the face of escalating tensions.


Despite American sanctions, Iran has managed to achieve a significant milestone by increasing its oil production to a five-year high. This accomplishment has allowed Iran to earn billions of dollars, prompting discussions on how to respond effectively to the country’s actions. President Joe Biden has vowed to hold those responsible for attacks against American troops in the Middle East accountable, specifically blaming Iranian-backed militias. As the Pentagon prepares to present military options to the White House in response to these attacks, one potential measure being considered is the closure of the petrodollar spigot, which could restrict the flow of dollars from oil sales. However, such a decision would require careful consideration due to its potential economic ramifications.

Iran’s Ability to Increase Oil Production Despite Sanctions

Iran’s ability to increase its oil production and generate significant revenue despite facing American sanctions highlights the limitations and unintended consequences of purely economic measures. It serves as a reminder that imposing economic sanctions alone may not always achieve the desired outcomes. This development is raising questions about the effectiveness of such measures and the need for a comprehensive approach to dealing with Iran.

Potential Response: Closing the Petrodollar Spigot

One potential response being considered is closing the petrodollar spigot, which would involve limiting or cutting off the flow of dollars from oil sales. This action could directly impact Iran’s ability to generate revenue and weaken their funding for militias. However, it is important to note that implementing such a measure would require coordinated efforts and cooperation from other countries to reduce dependence on Iranian oil and prevent the flow of dollars to Iran.

Economic Implications and the Global Oil Market

Closing the petrodollar spigot would have significant economic implications for Iran and the global oil market. Therefore, any decision to take this step would require careful consideration to mitigate any potential negative consequences. The potential impact on oil prices and stability in the region must be thoroughly assessed before moving forward with such a measure.

Comprehensive Analysis of Risks and Benefits

The decision on how to respond to Iran’s actions will require a comprehensive analysis of potential risks and benefits. This analysis should include not only military options but also economic measures. It is crucial to weigh the potential consequences of each approach to avoid unintended escalation or negative outcomes.

Reevaluating the Current Doctrine of Brinksmanship

The current doctrine of brinksmanship with Iran appears to be broken, as recent events have shown. The assassination of Qassem Soleimani disrupted the predictable logic of tit-for-tat, causing Iran to question its ability to dictate military escalation. This situation calls for a new approach to avoid further escalating tensions towards war.

The Need to Avoid Exhaustion

Iran seems to be hoping that the US will exhaust itself by engaging in multiple unwinnable wars in the region. As the US evaluates the best course of action, it should consider all available options to prevent this scenario from unfolding.

The Failure of Deterrence

The American policy of deterrence has recently failed, with Iran testing the limits and other actors gauging what they can get away with. This highlights the need for a more robust and effective strategy to address Iran’s actions and maintain stability in the region.

Exploring Off-Menu Options for Retaliation

President Biden’s foreign-policy team aims to avoid escalation but may consider off-menu options for retaliation. This demonstrates a willingness to think creatively and adapt to the evolving situation, ensuring that the US can respond effectively to Iran’s actions while minimizing the risks of further conflict.


Iran’s ability to increase oil production and earn money despite sanctions poses challenges and highlights the limitations of economic measures. As the US evaluates its response options to Iranian-backed attacks and increased oil production, careful consideration of military and economic measures is essential. The closure of the petrodollar spigot is one potential response, but its economic implications and potential consequences should be thoroughly assessed and discussed in coordination with other countries. Ultimately, the decision on how to respond to Iran’s actions will require a comprehensive analysis of risks and benefits, aiming to avoid further escalation and maintain stability in the region.

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