On Friday, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath visited Prayagraj and made significant announcements ahead of Mahakumbh 2025, calling it a grand celebration of Sanatan Dharma’s glory. During his visit, he inaugurated Prasar Bharati’s FM channel ‘Kumbhavani’ and emphasized its role in connecting people worldwide to the Mahakumbh and the essence of Indian spiritual traditions.
‘Kumbhavani’ FM Channel: A Bridge to Mahakumbh for Millions
The newly launched FM channel ‘Kumbhavani’ on 103.5 MHz frequency will broadcast programs related to Mahakumbh 2025 from January 10 to February 26. The channel will operate daily from 5:55 AM to 10:05 PM, bringing live updates, cultural programs, and spiritual messages to even the remotest areas.
CM Yogi Adityanath praised the initiative, stating, “This channel will ensure that those unable to visit Mahakumbh can still experience its spiritual essence through live broadcasts and insightful content. It is a monumental effort to take Sanatan Dharma’s message to every corner of the world.”
A Tribute to Sanatan Dharma’s Inclusive Spirit
Highlighting the inclusive nature of Mahakumbh, CM Yogi remarked,
“Mahakumbh is not just an event; it is a grand confluence of Sanatan pride, uniting people beyond caste, creed, or community. Those who attempt to divide society should learn from Mahakumbh, where all distinctions vanish as people take a collective dip in faith.”
He further urged critics of Sanatan Dharma to witness the unity and spirituality embodied in the Mahakumbh.
Key Highlights of CM Yogi’s Visit to Prayagraj
- Inauguration of ‘Kumbhavani’ FM Channel:
CM Yogi launched the channel, expressing confidence in its popularity among the youth and spiritual seekers. - Unveiling of Kamla Bahuguna’s Statue:
The CM unveiled a statue of late Kamla Bahuguna, paying homage to her contributions to society. - Launch of ‘Maa Ki Rasoi’:
CM Yogi also visited the Swarup Rani Nehru Hospital and inaugurated the ‘Maa Ki Rasoi’ initiative, aimed at providing affordable meals to the underprivileged. - Acknowledgment to PM Modi and Prasar Bharati:
He extended gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for supporting the Mahakumbh preparations.
Cultural and Technological Advancements for Mahakumbh
CM Yogi reminisced about his childhood days when Akashvani (All India Radio) was a key medium for transmitting spiritual knowledge, such as the recitation of Ramcharitmanas. He acknowledged technological advancements that now include FM radio, OTT platforms, and live video broadcasts, making spiritual programs more accessible than ever.
He noted that during the COVID-19 lockdown, the re-telecast of the Ramayana TV series significantly boosted Doordarshan’s TRP. Similarly, he expects ‘Kumbhavani’ to resonate deeply with audiences, especially youth.
The Role of ‘Kumbhavani’ in Global Outreach
The FM channel will provide:
- Live Coverage: Daily updates and programs from Mahakumbh events.
- Religious Teachings: Spiritual quotes and messages from Sanatan Dharma will be broadcasted across villages and towns.
- Accessibility: Reaching areas with connectivity issues, ensuring inclusivity in the Mahakumbh experience.
CM Yogi stressed that Mahakumbh is a rare moment of spiritual awakening and that ‘Kumbhavani’ will play a pivotal role in spreading Sanatan Dharma’s glory worldwide.
Dignitaries Present at the Event
The inauguration event witnessed the presence of notable dignitaries, including:
- Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Dr. L. Murugan
- Deputy CM Brajesh Pathak
- Jal Shakti Minister Swatantra Dev Singh
- Industrial Development Minister Nand Gopal Gupta ‘Nandi’
- Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh
- Prasar Bharati Board Chairman Navneet Sehgal
A Global Gathering of Faith at Mahakumbh 2025
As the world prepares for Mahakumbh 2025, CM Yogi emphasized its spiritual and cultural significance, stating,
“Mahakumbh showcases Sanatan Dharma’s inclusivity and unity. It is a moment when people from all walks of life and corners of the globe come together to celebrate faith and spirituality.”
The government’s efforts, including ‘Kumbhavani,’ aim to make this Mahakumbh an unforgettable experience, inspiring true devotion among millions.
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