Black liquorice poses health risks, even in small amounts, due to its impact on blood pressure

Despite its tempting flavor, black liquorice poses significant health risks even in small amounts, impacting blood pressure due to glycyrrhizic acid. Discover why monitoring intake of this popular treat is crucial to prevent adverse effects and ensure safety.

Black liquorice, the dark and often polarizing candy, has been in the news lately for reasons beyond its taste. It turns out this treat, made from the root of the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant, contains a compound called glycyrrhizic acid (GA) that can mess with your blood pressure.

The European Union and the World Health Organization have taken note of this and put restrictions on how much black liquorice one should consume daily. And it’s not just about going overboard – even a little nibble can cause trouble, especially for those with a sensitive system.

A study from Linköping University in Sweden found that even small amounts of black liquorice can lead to high blood pressure in healthy individuals. The researchers observed that those who were most reactive to black liquorice not only saw their blood pressure shoot up but also experienced weight gain and increased levels of NT-proBNP, a marker of heart strain.

Here’s where things get tricky: while black liquorice is sometimes used in dietary supplements, the label may not specify how much GA it contains. And in the US, some products labeled as black liquorice actually use anise oil for flavor, so it’s essential to check the ingredients.

The FDA recommends that individuals over 40 should limit their black liquorice intake to no more than two ounces a day for a maximum of two weeks. Going overboard can lead to a whole host of issues, from electrolyte imbalances to irregular heart rhythms, all thanks to glycyrrhizin wreaking havoc in your system.

If you already have conditions like low potassium levels, high blood pressure, or heart arrhythmias, you’re at an even higher risk of overdosing on black liquorice. So, it’s crucial to keep an eye on your intake and maybe consider other treats for your sweet tooth.

And if you do indulge and start feeling your heart skipping a beat or your muscles acting up, don’t hesitate to reach out to a medical professional. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to something as seemingly harmless as black liquorice.

While some tout black liquorice for its supposed health benefits, many experts are raising red flags about its potential dangers. The risks associated with chronic consumption far outweigh any perks you might think you’re getting from that chewy candy or tea.

So, next time you reach for that black liquorice, remember to tread lightly and be mindful of how much you’re having. Your health is nothing to gamble with, especially when it comes to something as deceiving as a simple piece of candy.

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