Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the 150th Foundation Day of the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) on Makar Sankranti 2025 at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi. During the event, PM Modi launched the ambitious ‘Mission Mawsam’, which aims to make India a climate-smart nation. He also reflected on his personal connection to Makar Sankranti, calling it his favorite festival and emphasizing its cultural and agricultural significance.
PM Modi’s Personal Connection to Makar Sankranti
Speaking fondly about Makar Sankranti, PM Modi shared nostalgic memories of celebrating the festival during his childhood in Gujarat. He remarked, “Makar Sankranti has always been my favorite festival. In Gujarat, people spend the entire day on their rooftops, flying kites and enjoying themselves. I used to do the same when I lived there. Today, however, I am here with you all.”
He elaborated on the astrological significance of the day, stating, “Makar Sankranti marks the transition of the Sun from Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) to Capricorn (Makar Rashi), symbolizing the Sun’s northward movement or Uttarayan. This shift signals the beginning of preparations for the agricultural season, making the day culturally and spiritually significant across India.”
PM Modi extended his greetings to the nation and acknowledged the diverse ways in which Makar Sankranti is celebrated across India, highlighting the festival’s unity in diversity.
The Importance of IMD: A Journey of 150 Years
Addressing the gathering, PM Modi praised the Indian Meteorological Department for its pivotal role in India’s scientific and technological progress. He stated, “Celebrating 150 years of IMD is not just about recognizing the department’s journey but also about celebrating India’s advancement in modern science and technology. IMD has served millions of Indians and has become a symbol of our country’s scientific journey.”
He acknowledged the significant upgrades in IMD’s infrastructure and technology over the past decade, which have enhanced India’s ability to forecast weather conditions accurately and respond effectively to natural disasters.
‘Mission Mawsam’: India’s Commitment to a Sustainable Future
PM Modi launched ‘Mission Mawsam’, a visionary initiative aimed at making India a climate-smart nation. He explained, “Mission Mawsam reflects India’s commitment to building a sustainable future and preparing for climate-related challenges. This initiative will enhance India’s capabilities in weather forecasting, disaster management, and climate adaptation.”
The mission aligns with IMD’s long-term goals, as outlined in the newly released Vision-2047 document, which focuses on:
- Advanced weather prediction techniques
- Climate change mitigation strategies
- Disaster resilience and management
PM Modi also unveiled a commemorative coin and inaugurated an exhibition showcasing IMD’s achievements, emphasizing India’s leadership in meteorology and disaster preparedness.
Weather Science: A Key to Disaster Management
Highlighting the critical role of meteorology in disaster management, PM Modi remarked, “Weather science is essential for any nation’s disaster management capacity. Reducing the impact of natural disasters requires maximizing the efficiency of meteorological systems.”
He pointed out that India has made remarkable progress in disaster preparedness, moving from a reactive to a proactive approach. “Today, we are successfully mitigating the effects of disasters once considered unavoidable. Our capabilities now benefit not only India but also neighboring countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, through systems like the Flash Flood Guidance System.”
This progress, according to PM Modi, has strengthened India’s reputation as a reliable global partner and enhanced its role as a vishwa bandhu (world friend).
IMD Vision 2047 and the Path Ahead
During the event, PM Modi released the IMD Vision-2047 document, which outlines India’s strategy for weather and climate management over the next two decades. Key highlights include:
- Improved Weather Forecasting: Leveraging cutting-edge technology for accurate and timely predictions.
- Climate Change Mitigation: Developing strategies to combat global climate challenges.
- Disaster Resilience: Enhancing India’s preparedness for extreme weather events and natural disasters.
A Global Impact: Building Trust and Resilience
PM Modi emphasized how India’s advancements in meteorology are creating a global impact. “Our weather forecasting and disaster management systems are now helping neighboring countries. India is the first to offer assistance when a disaster strikes in the region. This has strengthened global trust in India and reinforced our image as a responsible global leader.”
The 150th Foundation Day of the Indian Meteorological Department was a historic event that highlighted India’s progress in meteorology and climate science. With the launch of ‘Mission Mawsam’, PM Modi reiterated India’s commitment to becoming a climate-smart nation and leading the world in disaster management and sustainable development.
The event was a celebration of India’s scientific achievements, a tribute to its cultural traditions, and a roadmap for a resilient future. As PM Modi aptly put it, “This is not just the journey of IMD, but also the journey of modern science and technology in India.”
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