Putrada Ekadashi, observed during the Shukla Paksha of Paush month, holds special importance in Hinduism. In 2025, Paush Putrada Ekadashi falls on 21 January, with auspicious rituals commencing on this day. The vrat is significant for devotees seeking blessings of progeny and spiritual fulfillment.
Shubh Muhurat for Paush Putrada Ekadashi 2025
- Start: 20 January, 6:26 PM
- End: 21 January, 7:26 PM
- Vrat Parana Timing: 22 January, between 7:14 AM and 9:21 AM
The day is marked by the presence of Brahma Yoga, enhancing its spiritual potency.
Significance of Putrada Ekadashi
This Ekadashi is considered auspicious for attaining blessings of children and removing all sins through the worship of Lord Vishnu. Observing the vrat ensures peace, prosperity, and fulfillment of desires. Putrada Ekadashi is celebrated twice annually—in Paush and Shravana months.
Rituals to Follow
- Devotees observe strict fasting from sunrise to the next day’s Parana.
- Worship of Lord Vishnu with devotion, offering tulsi leaves, fruits, and sweets.
- Chanting Vishnu Sahasranama and reciting Ekadashi Vrat Katha.
- Charity and donations performed during Brahma Yoga yield immense spiritual merit.
Paush Putrada Ekadashi 2025 is a gateway to divine blessings, ensuring happiness and spiritual growth for devotees.
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