Indian cricket star Virat Kohli and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma recently visited Vrindavan with their children, Vamika and Akay, to seek blessings from spiritual leader Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj. Their visit to the ashram has created a buzz online, with videos of the family going viral across social media platforms.
A Spiritual Sojourn in Vrindavan
After returning from the challenging Australia tour, where Kohli faced a dip in form, the cricketer took a spiritual route to rejuvenate his mind. Accompanied by his wife and children, Kohli visited the ashram of Premanand Maharaj in Vrindavan to seek guidance and blessings.
Viral Video of the Visit
The official Instagram handle of Premanand Maharaj posted a video capturing the visit. In the video, Kohli and Anushka, dressed in traditional attire, can be seen bowing before the spiritual leader. Their children, Vamika and Akay, were also present during the visit, adding a personal touch to the spiritual retreat.
During the interaction, Premanand Maharaj asked Kohli, “Is your mind at peace?” Kohli nodded with a smile, indicating a sense of calmness and positivity.
A Step Towards Faith and Positivity
Anushka Sharma was seen engaging in a heartfelt conversation with Premanand Maharaj, discussing the importance of walking on the path of devotion. This visit reflects the couple’s inclination towards spirituality and their efforts to seek balance amid their hectic lives.
This is not the first time the couple has visited Premanand Maharaj’s ashram. They had previously sought his blessings and returned this time with their children, making the visit even more meaningful.
Virat Kohli’s Struggle with Form
Kohli’s visit to the ashram comes at a time when he has been facing challenges with his performance on the field. The cricketer has been working to regain his form and confidence, and this spiritual retreat might be part of his efforts to find mental clarity and peace.
Social Media Reaction
Fans and followers have lauded the couple’s visit, praising their humility and focus on spiritual growth. The viral video has sparked conversations about how public figures like Kohli and Anushka balance their professional challenges with personal and spiritual growth.
Significance of the Visit
Vrindavan, known as the land of Lord Krishna, holds a special place for those seeking spiritual awakening. Kohli and Anushka’s visit highlights the increasing trend among celebrities to turn towards spirituality to cope with life’s challenges and find inner peace.
The visit of Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma to Premanand Maharaj’s ashram in Vrindavan is a testament to their belief in spirituality as a source of strength. For fans, it serves as an inspiration to embrace faith and positivity, regardless of life’s challenges.
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