In a meeting at the Chief Minister’s residence in Dehradun, Major General Manoj Tiwari updated Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami about the progress and future plans for Agniveer recruitment in Uttarakhand. Major General Tiwari announced that 4,500 candidates from Uttarakhand have been selected, and efforts are underway to fill an additional 2,000 vacancies soon.
State-Level Camps for Recruitment
To encourage more youth participation, the army plans to organize recruitment camps at state and district levels. These camps aim to ensure wider outreach and preparation opportunities for aspiring candidates.
Government Support for Recruitment
CM Dhami emphasized Uttarakhand’s proud tradition as a soldier-dominant state and assured full administrative and logistical support for upcoming army recruitment events. He reaffirmed the government’s commitment to assisting with infrastructure, facilities, and coordination during the army’s recruitment drives.
This development underscores a collaborative effort to enhance employment opportunities for the youth of Uttarakhand through Agniveer recruitment.
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